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Selectmen's Minutes 2009/01/26
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
January 26, 2009

Present: Richard Leone Chairman, Stephen White Vice-Chairman, William Roach, Fred Gallup, Emma Smith, Donna Nashawaty Town Manager.

Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Charlotte Brown, Jim William, Catherine Bushnoff, Donna Gazelle, Sue Gottling, Arthur Osborne, Leana Mark Osborne, Pat Hall, Ed Hall, Peggy Chamlers, Mike Durfor, Betsy Katz, Doug Munro, Dana Ramspott, Scott Blewitt, Robin & John Mapley, Jean Chandler, Ellie Goddard, Walt Goddard, Harry Gazelle, Ed Roberts.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Leone at 7:00PM

Ed Roberts gave an update on concerns by the public when the town experiences a power outage as we did during the December ice storm. Fred commended the emergency management personnel for a job well done.

PEG Channel-Public Input Session
Chairman Leone outlined the Town of Sunapee concerns, since losing the Argus, the town has shifted publishing its notices to the Intertown Record and The Eagle Times. Less than half the community is on Comcast. The Town has tried to expand the Town website to get the word out to the community. What was negotiated in 2007 with Comcast was for Sunapee to get a community channel and to be able to run our own system. The Town needs a group of volunteer citizens to address what is community television and look at the revenue. Newport is a separate corporation from the town and uses franchise fees from cable customers to help to support it. Donna Nashawaty explained that the issues which #1 is the filming part, #2 is the carrying and producing it, how is it going to be paid for? The Board of Selectmen~heard discussion from the public relative to PEG access.~ The members in attendance would like the BOS to explore the possibilities and costs to bring community TV to Sunapee.~ The board recognized that since the warrant article for funding for equipment etc was defeated that the ECC efforts to provide PEG was probably a mute point unless there was a strong citizen volunteer base to get some things filmed and aired, noting that policy and procedure needed to be in place. Doug Munro from the public noted there is a group called the NH Coalition Community Media group that comes to meet with towns trying to do this.~The BOS would like to meet with the ECC to see if there can be any further effort of having some sort of PEG access here in Sunapee or in conjunction with the Newport location.~ The BOS would like to invite the ECC along with Doug Munro to continue this discussion and outline some bullets or process.  

Dana Ramspott, Old Town Hall Committee would like to move the Thrift Shop to the old Police Department location.
Motion made by William Roach to come forward with a plan under the direction of the town manager to move the Thrift Shop to the old Police Department. Seconded by Stephen White. Unanimous.

Donna Garzelle, Beautification Oversight Committee would like to install “Welcome to Sunapee” signs.  Proposed locations are on Route 11 approaching from New London just past Seven Hearths Road and the Mount Royal Academy Drive. On Route 11 approaching from Newport just past Osborne driveway... opposite Wendall Marsh. On Route 103B there are two optimum clear spots. One is just prior to Sunapee Graniteworks and the other is immediately past the cut-off to the Post Office on the right and Chase Street is on the left. Fred Gallup suggested a informal meeting for public input. The committee is requesting a “letter of intent” from the Town Manager to the NHDOT, which is required to get the process started. Included in that letter will be a copy of the proposed design and potential locations for each sign placement. Motion was made by Stephen White to give the Town Manager authority to write the “letter of intent” to place 3 signs, 2 on Route 11 and 1 on Route 103B as presented to examine the sites and also Board of selectmen approves funding from the Beautification Oversight committee for purchases and installation. Also noted that the Beautification Oversight Committee would come back to Board of Selectmen after definitive sites were approved by DOT. Seconded by Emma Smith. Unanimous

Selectmen’s Action
The Board of Selectmen signed the warrant, the MS-6 Budget and the default budget.
NHMA is taking input to see if the towns would support another revenue source or increases in existing revenue sources in order to avoid potential cuts in revenue flowing to municipal government. Board of selectmen said no new revenue, preserve revenue we have. Vote to accept Town Manager as the voting delegate. All in Favor. Unanimous.
The Fish and Game approved the installation of a public boat launch on the Wild Goose property. Lake Sunapee Protective Association recently had expressed some general concerns regarding the Fish and game proposed development of the Wild Goose site for motorized boat access. The Town Manager expressed Newbury would like Sunapee support for opposition. The Board of Selectmen will send letter extending dismay that permit was granted to Fish and Game Dept. The letter will outline that safety is the main concern and the same enviromental issues still exist. Motion was made by Stephen White to authorize the Town manager to write the letter Seconded by Emma Smith.
The Town of Springfield paticipates in our transfer station and pays 25% of total budget and recognizes 25% of revenue. New contract for 2009 present and approved.
Ron Verblauw has agreed to continue on the Electronic Communication Committee. Motion was made by Stephen White to appoint his term to April 30, 2011, seconded by William Roach. All in Favor. Unanimous.

Emma Smith received a call from a resident regarding not paying their water bill. The resident wanted to know what action the Town would take if the bill was not paid. The Town Manager noted, she believed the Town would put a lien on the owner’s property and it would be handled the same way as an unpaid tax bill.

Stephen White asked if a sign permit was issued for the sign on Ski Tow Hill. Donna will checked with Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator.

Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 10:32PM

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                        Approved:               

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith